Friday, June 1, 2018

Kidney Stone: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Kidney Stone: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment 

Kidney Stone: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Morphamine - Kidney stones are a type of disease that kills slowly but surely because when it is severe, kidney stones can hardly be treated. Symptoms of kidney stones only feel a little pain at the beginning of the formation and the pain can quickly disappear. While the causes of kidney stones have many factors, ranging from diet, type of food or heredity.

Can kidney stones recover? Treatment of kidney stones has many methods such as preventing kidney stone formation, fixing your diet, removing kidney stones by surgery or by using kidney stone treatment methods that are done at home.

Kidney stones or urinary stones are deposits that form hard material and almost resemble small size stones in the kidney. The precipitates that form the hard material come from wastes of the same type of salt - the results of filtering the blood which is too many in number and cannot dissolve or only a few are dissolved then settle and crystallize.

Precipitation of kidney stones is common in someone aged 40 to 60 years due to lack of water intake and the ability of internal organs to begin to decline. Sediments in the form of small stones usually come out with urine, but large-sized deposits will clog the channels in the kidneys and cause severe infections. In this age range, both men and women can easily have kidney stones due to lack of physical activity and because of many other causes. However, in general, men have a higher risk of developing kidney stones than women.

Types of kidney stones that often occur

1. Types of Kidney Stones Calcium Oxalate

Types of Kidney Stones Calcium is a type of kidney stone that most often occurs and is experienced by almost everyone. Calcium that forms kidney stones is calcium oxalate which is often found in foods that contain lots of calcium such as vegetables, fruits or from calcium in the body.

The age factor can also be the cause of calcium oxalate stones. When the body enters the age of 40, metabolic conditions and absorption of food substances will slow down, but physical activity such as work routines can be increased. Increased work activities that easily trigger fatigue and stress are usually not balanced with a lot of water intake, but instead often drink energy drinks which basically contain a lot of coloring agents and additives.

2. Types of Kidney Stones Calcium Phosphate

Calcium Phosphate type kidney stones are rare and not many sufferers are found. Calcium Phosphate kidney stones are only formed if a person has a urine condition that is alkaline or has a high pH. Calcium Phosphate stones can also be formed in someone who likes foods that contain lots of calcium phosphate such as shellfish, nuts and so on.

3. Types of Gout

Gout kidney stones can occur due to a very high uric acid content in the blood. Nearly 25% or can be said one in four people who suffer from gout also have kidney stones. This type of kidney stone is due to the large intake of purines that enter the body, so a bad lifestyle and careless consumption of food is the biggest factor in the deposition of uric acid kidney stones.

4. Types of Struvite Kidney Stones

Struvite kidney stones are rare but are among the most dangerous types of kidney stones because their deposits are very rapidly enlarging and clogging the renal tract. This type of kidney stone is more common in women who have or have had a urinary tract infection. The highest content of struvite stone is magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate. Magnesium is a compound that is very easy to settle into kidney stones.

5. Types of Cystine Kidney Stones

Kidney stones of the type Cystine or often called cystine stones are most easily formed due to genetic factors. Cystine is one type of amino acid in the body, where abnormalities of genetic factors cause the amount to be abnormal or excessive levels. This huge amount of cysteine can cause leakage of protein walls in the kidneys to the urinary tract so that many cystines settle and become kidney stones.

Causes of Kidney Stone Formation

The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse and filter blood from dirty substances or waste substances in the blood which are then removed along with urine. The biggest problem is if the waste substance is more than the solvent. If the solvent liquid to dispose of waste substances is not comparable, then the waste substance cannot be completely disposed of with urine which eventually causes sediment. That deposition will crystallize for longer to form kidney stones.

The amount of too much waste material in the blood and the cause of kidney stones can be influenced by several factors:

1. Lack of Drinking Water

Lack of drinking water is the main cause of kidney stone formation. Waste substances in the form of salts or other minerals can be disposed of with urine if the content of these substances is less than the solvent. But if the solvent or water content in the blood is less, then minerals, salt, and other substances will stick to each other so that it is easier to settle and crystallize into kidney stones.

2. Diet Eating Unwise or Liking Some Food Types Only

Kidney stones that are often found are types of calcium oxalate kidney stones, the biggest cause of kidney stone formation because someone is very fond of foods that contain lots of calcium oxalate but do not like foods with other balancing nutrients.

Types of foods that have high oxalate content such as chocolate are not good if consumed in excess. Almost all men and women like chocolate with all its variants. When enjoying chocolate, it will definitely be accompanied by drinks that are attractive in color or have a sweet taste refreshing, this diet is the cause of the formation of kidney stones where substances in the food which will later be filtered by the kidneys have more amount than the solvent or the womb water in the blood.

4. Heredity Factors

Someone who has a relative, father, or grandfather with a history of kidney stones will find it easier to have the same type of kidney stone. For example, cysteine-type kidney stones caused by the kidneys secrete many amino acids, kidney problems such as these are affected by cystinuria hereditary diseases.

Another hereditary disease that causes kidney stones is hypercalciuria where the body's condition absorbs a lot of calcium. With this body condition, if the sufferer is unable to keep up with a large amount of fluid intake, then the precipitate that causes kidney stones will be more quickly formed than people with normal body conditions.

5. Having Chronic Disease

Just like the type of gout kidney stones that are formed due to chronic gout, other diseases can also cause the appearance of kidney stones such as diabetes and several other types of chronic diseases that cause complications.

Symptoms of Kidney Stone

Symptoms of kidney stones that occur in general are the pain in the lower waist area, side abdomen, and groin section. This symptom can only be felt if the size of kidney stones has begun to enlarge and clog the ureteral ducts so that it disturbs the smooth flow of urine. However, there are some signs that might be your benchmark for starting a kidney stone examination.

1. Sometimes Feeling Pain

If you sometimes feel pain in your lower waist or groin area when you urinate or urinate, it is better if you immediately do an examination to get treatment early. Although the pain that appears does not often occur, do not you take for granted, because if the pain often appears means that kidney stones have reached a large size.

2. Frequent urination

The second sign is if you often feel like urinating every time but the amount of urine that is released is always small, this is because there is a blockage of the kidney stones in the ureter which causes the urine to come out difficult.

3. Urine is cloudy and smells

If your urine has been cloudy or brownish and smells bad, but at that time you did not take drugs with high doses, it could be signs of kidney stones because of bleeding from friction in kidney stones as they pass through the urinary tract.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones in Children

Symptoms of kidney stones in children are almost the same as symptoms of kidney stones in general but occur with a shorter frequency and often accompanied by nausea and fever. If your child has ever complained of pain during urination and frequent fever, you should do an early examination of your child.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones in Women
Symptoms of kidney stones in women can be detected early because the body's resistance is different from men. This type of struvite kidney stone can appear more frequently in women because it is susceptible to bladder infections. If the urine that comes out smells bad and feels pain when it stands, the possibility of kidney stones has begun to form. Medical treatment must be done immediately if these signs have often been experienced.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones in Men

Symptoms of Kidney stones in men are also the same as symptoms that occur in general but in men with small size, kidney stones are not so pronounced. The initial sign for men having kidney stones is if there is difficulty urinating, or when going to urinate takes a long time until the urine comes out and when the urine comes out it will be cloudy. In a healthy and normal condition, the urine will easily come out and be as bright yellow as usual.

Effect of Kidney Stones during Pregnancy

Kidney stones that are formed during pregnancy are rare, the main cause of kidney stone formation during pregnancy is usually because pregnant women often feel nauseous and lazy to drink water with a tasteless taste.

The pain caused by kidney stones can affect the condition of the fetus because when pain arises there will be pressure around the waist to hold back the pain. You should immediately get treatment from the obstetrician and urologist to get the best method in the process of treating kidney stones while pregnant.

How to get rid of kidney stones

At this time there are many methods for removing kidney stones, but all these methods can be done depending on the size of the kidney stone itself. If the initial signs are visible and the size of the stone is still small, how to remove it is still easy and almost all methods can be used, but if the size of the stone is large and the clogging must be done immediately medical treatment.

Can Kidney Stones Be Cured?

All types of diseases must be the cure, which is different only from the time needed for the healing process. When kidney stones have been detected, you must take precautionary measures and find out the cause of the stones in your kidneys. After knowing the cause of the formation of stones in the kidneys, you must begin to abandon these habits.

Kidney stones will usually be detected while still small in size. Even though it's still small in size, you shouldn't underestimate it, follow all instructions from the doctor for the process of removing kidney stones that have already been formed.

How to treat kidney stones

There are several ways to treat kidney stones:

1. Surgery

Surgery is the fastest way to get rid of kidney stones. With the surgical method, the stones in the kidney will be cleaned immediately. All surgical methods must have risks, if you are afraid of the risks that will occur, from now on taking care of your kidneys.

2. Herbs

Treatment for removing kidney stones by herbal means can only be done for small to medium size kidney stones. The focus of this herbal treatment is to consume herbal ingredients that contain substances to shed kidney stones little by little.

3. Drink plenty of water

Drinking large amounts of water can remove small kidney stones that will later come out with urine. Drinking lots of water are not very effective for removing kidney stones that have been formed and hardened, but it is the best prevention method.

Kidney Stone Surgery Method

Surgery to get rid of gut stones should be done if the kidney stones are large in size and can cause serious kidney infections. The following methods can be used for surgical removal of kidney stones:

1. Uteroscopy

The uteroscopic surgical method uses a ureteroscope to remove the kidney stone and move its position into the ureter which will then come out with the urine. For kidney stones with large sizes will be broken down first using a special method.

2. Open Surgery

As the name implies, the open surgical method will make an incision starting from the surface of the skin into the kidney to facilitate the collection of kidney stones.


PCNL stands for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. The PCNL method also uses an incision on the surface of the skin that is close to the kidney and then inserts a tool called the nephroscope to extract kidney stones.

Costs of Kidney Stone Surgery

The surgical method for removing kidney stones does cost a lot, but the surgical method is the fastest and best way to get rid of kidney stones that are already large. It costs around $ 10,000 to $ 25,000 for the surgical process and does not include medicines taken after surgery.

How to treat kidney stones naturally

Actually, it is not an easy thing to treat kidney stones naturally because it takes a long time and usually someone who has kidney stones with severe conditions is not able to withstand the pain that persists.

Treating kidney stones naturally can be done if kidney stones have been detected and are still small in size. In such conditions, treatment will be carried out by improving diet, reducing salt-salt, drinking lots of water and leaving all colored and flavored drinks. How to treat kidney stones naturally will use natural ingredients that contain substances to destroy kidney stones little by little.

How to treat kidney stones yourself at home

If kidney stones are still small, you can treat them yourself regularly at home without having to spend a lot of money, but this will require high patience. The most effective medicine for all types of kidney stones and all diseases is to drink lots of water, leave fast food, leave food or drinks that use artificial coloring and have many flavors like soft drinks. There are a number of diseases caused by soft drinks that can cause complications in addition to the formation of kidney stones.

You can routinely drink lemon juice because citric acid in lemon can help destroy kidney stones, especially calcium phosphate and oxalate kidney stones.

How to Get Rid of Kidney Stones Without Surgery

How to remove kidney stones without a surgical method can only be done if the kidney stones are still small in size and have not reached a medium size. For the size of kidney stones that are large and cause prolonged pain, the surgical method is the best method that can be done.

Diet for Patients with Kidney Stones

Patients with kidney stones must change their poor diet into a healthy diet. It's not easy, but it must be done so that your kidney stones don't get worse. A healthy diet for people with kidney stones is very easy to do, you just need to leave all types of fast food and drinks with various colors and flavors.
Try to regulate the type of food you consume, try to eat foods with natural ingredients and rich in fiber. Create a schedule that reminds you to always drink water regularly, for example, one glass every hour.

Herbal Kidney Stone Medication

Medicines for herbal kidney stones using foods that contain nutrients can help shed kidney stones that have hardened. The most constituent kidney stones are calcium, magnesium or crystallized salts. Like citric acid found in lemons, there are several other foods that are good for consumption by people with kidney stones that can help shed kidney stones:
  1. White without any flavor and coloring to improve the dissolution process of kidney stone.
  2. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Antioxidants from apples will be very good for the natural destruction process of kidney stones.
  3. A lot of water content from watermelon can be a substitute when you are tired of drinking large amounts of water. Nutrition from watermelon can also help the process of getting married inside the kidney.
  4. Grapes also have antioxidants that are punished to shed kidney stones and petrify the kidneys to improve their function.
  5. All types of fruit that contain lots of water, vitamins, and antioxidants can be consumed by people with kidney stones.
Prevention of Kidney Stone

There is always a saying that it is better to prevent than cure because kidney stones that are large and severe can cause the kidneys to not function. So it would be better if you take precautions before it's too late. The following ways to prevent kidney stones that can be done:
  1. Drink lots of water every day.
  2. Leave colored drinks, taste in any form such as alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.
  3. Reduce food sources of oxalates such as chocolate, kale, broccoli and so on.
  4. Reduce consumption of salty foods and all types of salts.
  5. Increase consumption of foods that contain citric acid such as lemons. The food meant to contain citric acid is an original food ingredient such as vegetables or fruit and not a type of vitamin in the form of capsules or supplements.
Emergency Care when Feeling Pain Due to Kidney Stone

Pain due to stones rubbing against the kidney wall can appear at any time. If you have detected kidney stones, you should prepare yourself if the pain suddenly appears. You can follow the following methods to deal with sudden pain.

1. When a sudden pain arises, you will automatically bend and the hand will press on the painful part of the kidney. After in this condition, try to immediately establish the position of the body slowly because bending will put excessive pressure on the kidneys. Take a deep breath and look for a sloping seat nearing the sleeping position to provide space around your waist.

2. The pain will remain, you should try to hold it down without pressing the kidney area by hand. Take warm water then drink slowly, you can prepare warm water in the thermos from the house.

3. Take a relaxed position as possible until the pain begins to subside. After the pain begins to subside, you can drink more water. Doctors will usually give painkillers when you consult, you can take the medicine if the pain does not subside.

Difference between Kidney Stones and Gallstones

Kidney and Gallstones have almost the same pain but with different locations for pain. Pain in kidney stones occurs around the waist while the feeling of looking for gallstones occurs around the upper abdomen.

Kidney stones that often occur are caused by lack of drinking water so that there is a buildup of minerals in the kidney, while gallstones have not been able to know the cause. Factors that affect the formation of gallstones are almost all due to complications of diseases such as obesity, diabetes or high cholesterol.

Kidney stones are a type of disease which is the main forming factor because of careless eating patterns and not thinking about the consequences for health. The type of kidney stone that is formed can vary depending on the cause.

Symptoms of kidney stones will not be felt if the size of the stone is still small. Kidney stones can occur in anyone, from men, women and even children. Kidney stones can be cured if you are determined to change a bad diet into a healthy diet when kidney stones are detected. The best way to get rid of kidney stones is to prevent kidney stones from forming. The most effective way to prevent kidney stones from forming is to drink lots of water every day.

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