Friday, April 27, 2018

Clean-looking water is not necessarily healthy and worth consuming, this is the explanation!

Clean-looking water is not necessarily healthy and worth consuming

Clean-looking water is not necessarily healthy and worth consuming

Morphamine - Clean water is an assessment of the quality of water which has all the requirements to be consumed such as odorless, colorless and tasteless. Whereas water that only looks clean cannot be said to be qualified because the content in water that cannot be seen by the eye can be influenced by many things, especially factors from the surrounding environment.

The danger of clean water to be reviewed is the danger of water types that only appear clean and not yet processed or cooked like well water in urban areas, industrial groundwater or river water that looks clear.

The main condition for water is said to be clean and qualified to be used as a source of drinking water is a type of water that is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Despite having these conditions, water that looks clean is also not recommended if it is directly consumed or drunk without going through the processing process first such as being heated to the temperature of the boiling water so that the bacteria contained in the water die so that the water is safe to drink.

Groundwater is a very important source of water in almost all regions except areas with water sources from clean water treatment companies that are directly channeled to homes. This groundwater is generally in a layer of rock about 10 meters below the ground. There are so many factors that affect the cleanliness of groundwater, the most important factor is the condition of recharge areas around the waterway.

Clean Water Indicator

Water can be declared clean if it can meet the requirements or indicators of the quality of consumable water that will be used to support daily needs. The indicator that can be used as a determinant of clean water is if the assessment of biological, chemical and physical factors shows that the water does not contain a substance that can harm humans.

From the physical appearance of water, it must look clear, colorless, odorless and tasteless. In addition to these three consumption water, it should not contain substances such as solids such as mud or metal and normal water temperatures must be at 29 ° C.

The indicator of clean water from chemical requirements is that it does not contain hazardous or toxic chemicals, does not contain salt such as sea water, does not contain organic matter and the pH of the water must be neutral, namely (6.8-9.0). In terms of biology, water that is suitable for use as a source of drinking water must not contain any type of bacteria, especially pathogenic bacteria.

Clean water needs for one person every day

The amount of clean water needed by each person is not the same, the factors that influence the difference, in general, are the location or place where the person lives. From the standard data of the department of public works, the need for clean water for one person who lives in the ordinary housing (not real estate) is around 180 liters per day. As for people who live in a real estate, clean water needs can reach 250 liters every day.

The unique fact is that the closer a person lives to a source of clean water, the less their water needs will be.

Groundwater Conditions in Urban Areas

In urban areas that are already densely populated and industrial, the condition of groundwater will be very bad due to unhealthy absorption areas. Groundwater in industrial areas is not recommended to be processed or consumed as drinking water because it contains many particles of waste and iron from the results of industrial waste disposal.

Groundwater conditions in densely populated urban areas can be said to have better conditions than water conditions in industrial areas. However, there will still be a negative impact on the existence of groundwater sources.

The location of the houses of residents who have mostly used a layer of concrete above the ground causes the water absorption area to move to a higher location, meaning that the higher the water catchment area, the more groundwater will be in the lower area. If the position of groundwater moves to a deeper location, the amount of water that comes out in a well with a normal depth will be less or more and more wells will dry out.

The characteristics of water that looks clean but contain iron

Water that contains a lot of iron can be easily recognized by its color. The good color of groundwater should look clear and not colored at all. But water containing iron will be yellowish after being left alone for some time or there is a yellow mark on the place of water after use.

If you want to know whether the water you use contains iron or not, the method is very easy. Cover water from the main water source you use in one medium-sized bucket. Use a bucket in white or black because the results will be easier to see. Let the water in the bucket for 2 nights then throw all the water in the bucket. Try to check the bottom of the bucket surface, if there is a dark yellow sediment, the water source in your place is indicated to contain iron.
Health problems caused by iron-containing water

The iron content in water is not the same as the iron content in vegetables. The human body cannot secrete iron contained in water, drinking too much water containing iron will cause health problems in the digestive system because iron will accumulate mostly in the intestinal wall.

Water Conditions in Rural Areas

Rural areas around the slopes, especially in agricultural areas, groundwater does look cleaner and colorless. Many researchers have stated that the water quality is good and good for consumption. If around you there is a location that is a source of water from a bottled water company, meaning that the groundwater conditions in your place are still very good. Even though the water conditions are good, water from mountainous areas must still be cooked at maximum temperature to be safe for consumption.

Unlike peat land farming areas, groundwater can contain organic acids. The watercolor in this area will become permanent yellow. High organic acid content will make the taste of water from the peat area not feel fresh in the throat. In the area of ​​peatland, if it is still going to use the groundwater source for consumption, it would be better to build a well that is much deeper in order to reach cleaner water layers such as using artesian wells.

Clean water crisis

The number of sources of clean water that can be found will not always be the same. Considering that water is part of nature, the factors that determine the number of water resources or the least amount also come from nature itself. The closer a person lives in an area where there is still a lot of trees, the water source is still easy to find. In contrast to the urban conditions that are increasingly building concrete, the less water absorption land, the clean water crisis will be very easy to occur.

Difference between clean water refill with production water for processing drinking water companies

Refill drinking water contained in plastic and sealed containers generally comes from springs in mountainous areas, although in certain areas not all of them come from natural springs.

Clean water produced by the Company which processes drinking water which is channeled into residential housing aims to meet daily water needs. The water source used by the drinking water treatment company is not the same in each region, but clearly, the water source used has fulfilled the physical requirements of clean water which is then reprocessed before being distributed to homes. Water sources that can be used for example rivers that are still clean, reservoirs and natural springs.

Polluted Water Conditions

There are many factors that can cause water pollution, such as industrial waste, household waste and possibly conditions from its own nature. Substances which most pollute waters are heavy metals, lead, mercury or other substances including iron. Water pollution can also be caused by chemicals or bacteria from nature around water sources.

If groundwater contains E. coli bacteria, it is likely that groundwater in the area has been contaminated by human or animal feces.

Types of diseases caused by consuming polluted water:

- Cancer
- Indigestion
- Kidney disorders
- Nerve Cell Damage
- Poisoning
- and many others

From now on, check the source of water you consume, if you see a yellow mark on the water or water quality that is not good in color, smell or taste, you should immediately look for other alternative water sources, for example from a water treatment company to be distributed to homes.

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